We are usually sold out, but there are cancellations from time to time. Please visit our Floor Plan to reserve a spot on our waiting list: 2026 Floor Plan• Satellite Tents — located along the frontage road at $19 / SqFt. The minimum size is 50′ deep x 15′ wide (750 SqFt). Wider sizes available.• SHOWCASE Tent — upscale location with carpeted floors and 12′ x 20′ booths |
1,000 watts of electricity is included in the booth fee. Additional electricity is available for $350 per additional 1,000 watts. Halogen lights are banned from our show. Use only LEDs, compact fluorescents, or other low-wattage lighting system to remain under the 1,000 watt threshold. In addition, anything that produces heat such as coffee makers, rice cookers, hot pots, space heaters, etc. are forbidden. Leave these at home. Vendors caught with such items will not be welcomed back to the show.
Climate-control is provided by sixteen 25-ton HVAC units.
Free for everyone at the 22nd Street Show. Our fiber optic cable has a 1 GB / second bandwidth, which can serve up to 10,000 users at one time.
We encourage you to invest in a few inexpensive security cameras that live-streams video to the internet. The footage is archived and can be retrieved on your smart phone or laptop. These cameras provide 24-hour protection and will greatly deter theft. If your camera captures a shoplifter, then you won’t have to appear in court to ensure justice — just the video alone will be enough for the prosecutor to win a conviction of the theft.
Regular set-up is Tuesday and Wednesday, January 27 and 28, from 9 am to 9 pm. You must first check-in at the show office to obtain your dealer ID badge. Additional dealer badges can be purchased for $25 each. Temporary workers for set-up and/or tear down will need a free visitor badges from the show office (you must accompany them to the show office), but these are good for set-up and breakdown days only.
EARLY BADGE PICK-UP – January 26 @ Country Inn and Suites
Avoid the wait in the check-in line! You can pick up your badges, parking passes, and pay any balances (cash or check only) at the County Inn and Suites Tucson City Center in the breakfast room (NOT @ the 22nd Street Show!) on Monday, January 26, 2025 from Noon to 6pm.
This is only a service to avoid the lines on regular setup days. Security will NOT grant site access if you have not already pre-purchased early access services.
- Small Booths = 1 badge included per booth
- Medium Booths = 2 badges included per booth
- SHOWCASE booths = 3 badges included per 12′ x 20′ booth
Vendors with a remaining balance for booth fees cannot check in until Wednesday, January 28.
This lets us first serve the majority of dealers who require only a minute to check in.
VENDORS IN SATELLITE TENTS are granted access beginning Thursday, January 22 only if your full balance was paid by the due date of October 31, 2025.
EARLY DELIVERY and EARLY SETUP are available only to dealers who pay in full BY OCTOBER 31.
Early Delivery will allow access to deliver your merchandise on Saturday, Jan 24 and/or Sunday, Jan 25 from 9am-5pm. Containers can be delivered up to one week early. Smaller parcels can be stored on the 22nd Street Show lot and must arrive Saturday or Sunday. The cost for this service is $325 which pays toward the cost of 24-hour armed security crew. This DOES NOT allow for setup on these days.
Early Setup is available on Monday, January 27 from 9am-9pm. The cost for this service is $325.
Save $150 and book both early delivery and early setup for $500.
These services MUST be requested AND paid for by November 15, 2025.
Requests WILL NOT be accepted after this date.
Here’s how to request early delivery / setup:
- Make sure your booth is fully paid by October 31, 2025
- Email Russell at RSCarhart@gmail.com with the following information:
- Company name
- Booth #
- Choice of early delivery, early setup or BOTH
- Pay the e-invoice that you will receive soon after
There is no dealer parking allowed in the customer parking lot during show hours. Dealer convenience must never come before customer convenience.
If you need to re-stock on show days, you can do so before opening time then dealers may drive onto the premises starting at 9 am with a $60 deposit given to the lot attendant at the EXIT GATE. If you leave before the 10 am opening time then your $60 will be refunded at the EXIT GATE. If you do not leave before 10 am at the EXIT GATE, then the $60 is forfeited to the lot attendant and you will graciously accept your mistake.
DAILY DEALER PARKING is limited and offered on a first-come first-served basis. The vendor lot is located on the other side of the wash (wash = drainage channel) as shown in the image below. The cost is $100 for a hang tag that gets you daytime parking (no overnight parking) for all 18 days of the show. The fee pays for the rental of the land owned by the city as well as the gate guard for 18 days.
Space is limited to 160 vehicles, so request your daily parking pass now! We expect to sell out by mid-December. Obtain your hang tag at the Show Office via the Express Line.
Here’s how to secure your space:
- Email Russell at RSCarhart@gmail.com the following information:
- Company name & Booth #
- Cell # (to be reached during the show)
- Number of hang tags
We will e-invoice you, and once you are paid, you can get in the Express Lane at check-in and pick up your parking pass without delay.
When you pull up to the gate guard in the morning, please be courteous and present your hang tag for inspection. (The guard cannot see through your windshield due to sun glare) After parking, please hang your tag on your mirror or dashboard so that it can be seen by the guard in case we need to contact you in the event of an emergency, damage, or other issue.
Parking Lot #2 is a further walk to the show but it offers in / out privileges throughout the day because there is a gate guard posted from 8:30am to 6:30 pm each day of the show.
Parking Lot #1 is a shorter walk to the show but you will be locked in during show hours.
If you ship items to the show, they must arrive during regular setup and/or show dates (Jan 25 – Feb 16) unless previously arranged. This includes pallets, packages, parcels, or forwarded mail – please use the address below properly addressed with your company name, booth number as well as your cell phone number at the show to ensure proper delivery. You should always be listed as the consignee if applicable (not Eons Expos) and these instructions apply to deliveries by UPS, FedEx, USPS as well as other freight companies and shippers.
Tucson 22nd Street Show
Attn: {Company Name, Booth #, Cell #}
993 S Freeway
Tucson, AZ 85745
Forklifts are available on-site. The rate for merchandise handling is $50 for the first pallet and $25 each additional.
Our on-site logistics company is AAA Old Pueblo Moving & Warehouse.
Their services include:
- Pack and ship any size / weight item for you or your customer!
- Provide you with unloading / loading forklift services for $70 / hour including the operator. (1/2 hour minimum)
- Store pallets for $20 / month in their 24-hour secured, climate-controlled warehouse.
- Offer a vault (video) measuring 5′ W x 7′ L x 7′ H that you fill (1,000 lbs. max), and they store in their warehouse. ($50 / month)
- Ship from 1 to 100 pallets to anywhere in the world.
- Other logistics services as well!
Your contact is Ralph Garcia:
Cell : (520) 419-4916
Email : RaGarcia@OldPuebloMoving.com
Website : OldPuebloMoving.com
AAA Old Pueblo Moving & Warehouse
711 S. Jacobus Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office : (520) 624-7440
24-hour armed security begins at 8 am on Tuesday, January 27, 2025 for set-up and continues for 20 days around the clock. Starting the next day there will always be at least 3 uniformed armed security officers onsite. Further, overnight security is augmented with a K-9 team and and security patrol cars with flashing lights to make us the very last place that the bad guys will want to visit. In addition, we have 6′ and 8′ chain-link fence around the perimeter as well as exterior lights. Additional security measures include video cameras and other measures that we do not wish to publicize.
You can reserve space in our 8′ x 12′ walk-in vault to ensure the highest security possible. This is done at the time that you submit your application. Please see out PRICING GUIDE to reserve the appropriate space for your needs.
Despite these and other precautions, losses are inevitable, especially due to shoplifting. As an exhibitor you accept all risk of loss, damage, and theft whatever the cause and agree to hold the promoter, its employees, contractors, and suppliers, as well as the City of Tucson blameless in the event of loss of any kind. It is your responsibility to obtain insurance and provide adequate protection (such as showcases, cameras, RIF tags, alarms, chains, cables, strong boxes, etc.) for your own merchandise.
Showcases and lighting can be an exponential enhancement to your product display and sales. We recommend the following companies with whom you will order and deal directly:
R&R Showcases – Order Form
Tucson Store Fixtures – A dozen styles and sizes of showcases to choose from
Tucson Store Fixtures Order Form Email to: curt@tucsonstorefixtures.com
Luxe Events Display Co – Table skirting and Booth Lighting
Simple and elegant draped black or white coverings for 8′ tables are available as well as booth lighting with purchase or rental options from your favorite tradeshow lighting provider Show Off Lighting through this LED Co Equipment Order Form with standard pricing extended through January 17. Email to: LuxeEventsDisplayCo@gmail.com
A La Carte Rentals – Pipe and drape, table coverings, light poles, custom table sizes and more
Call: 520-444-4437 or complete their quote form.
If you are selling your merchandise by weight, please be aware that your scale(s) must be NTEP approved and registered with the Arizona Department of Weights and Measures. Please review their Small Scale Brochure v4.0. They will make unannounced visits at the show and all scales that are not licensed by the AZDWM and/or not NTEP approved are subject to confiscation. If you would like further information or to request a Device License Package, please contact:
Arizona Department of Weights and Measures
1688 W. Adams Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602-542-4373
Email: dwm@azda.gov
Web: https://agriculture.az.gov/about-us/divisions/weights-measures-services-division
Phone: (602) 542-3578
Email: licensing@azda.gov
Tucson’s 2.6% and Arizona’s 6.1% sales taxes total 8.7% and must be collected on all RETAIL transactions, which is defined as anyone purchasing without a business license. After the show ends, you must report your wholesale AND retail sales and pay sales taxes SEPARATELY to Tucson (City taxes) and Arizona (State taxes). Be aware that show organizers are required by law to supply their dealer names and address to the taxing authorities.
For ARIZONA taxes, go to www.aztaxes.gov to register before the show and then file your Arizona sales tax return afterwards. Note that instead of “sales tax” Arizona calls it a “Transaction Privilege Tax” or TPT, so don’t let that confuse you.
All exhibitors/dealers (wholesale and retail) are required to obtain a TUCSON Business License for each and every location where they sell. A Tucson Tax official will visit you at the show to issue the license for $28. They will give you a form explaining how to file TUCSON sales taxes.
Wholesale buyers with a business license are exempt from sales tax, but it is the responsibility of you the seller to record the business license information should you be audited. If you do not provide the information during an audit, then you will be liable for the 8.7% tax. So keep good records!
There is no import tax or duty charged on minerals and fossils shipped to the to the USA. Be sure to use Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) code number “9705.00.0091”. This code corresponds to “Collections and Collectors’ Pieces of Mineralogical or Paleontological Interest”. No taxes are due upon importation of minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry and similar items into the USA. Further, there are no duties on minerals and fossils shipped into the USA. Be sure to have a detailed inventory list and use Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) code number 9705.00.0091. This code corresponds to “Collections and Collectors’ Pieces of Mineralogical or Paleontological Interest”.
Most gems, jewelry, semi-precious / precious stones, and precious metals are also exempt from import duties. However there are many exceptions in which the duty is 10% or more. To learn which specific items are subject to duty, please visit the official United States International Trade Commission website and use the Search function.
If only a few items are subject to duty and the amount is low, it is usually fastest / cheapest to pay the duty. However, in cases where the duty would be high, then the exhibitor can acquire an ATA Carnet at a cost of about $300 (+ surety bond at a cost of 1% of the merchandise value). The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that allows the holder to temporarily (up to one year) import goods without payment of normally applicable duties and taxes, including value-added taxes in more than 71 countries. The ATA Carnet eliminates the need to purchase temporary import bonds. So long as the goods are re-exported within the allotted time frame, no duties or taxes are due. Failure to re-export all goods listed on the ATA Carnet results in the need to pay the applicable duties (as would be the case for items that are sold). The acronym ATA is a combination of French and English phrases “Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission.
To learn about and obtain an ATA Carnet please visit the International Chamber of Commerce website.
Unforeseen circumstances can arise that will prevent a Vendor from attending the show as planned. Therefore, release from contract is possible by written request, and refunds subject to the following schedule are available only to Exhibitors who submitted the 50% minimum deposit:
Before 7/1/2025: Full Refund
Before 8/1/2025: 100% of amount paid less $200
Before 9/1/2025: 75% of amount paid less $200
Before 10/14/2025: 50% of amount paid less $200
10/15/2025 or later: No Refund
Cancellation of any space beyond the cancellation window of 10/15/2025 will result in vendor responsibility to pay the entire booking fee as originally contracted. Participation in any Eons Expos show may be contingent upon finalizing all outstanding financial obligations. While timely refunds will be a priority, Eons Expos reserves the right to issue refunds only outside of the window of (30) days before or after any EE show.
At this time we only offer letters of invitation to our registered vendors. Please follow the email link below and provide the requested information. If confirmed as a vendor currently booked in good standing in the show, your letter will be sent to you at the email address provided.
Invitation Letter Request (Registered Vendors ONLY):
Email Russell at RSCarhart@gmail.com with the following information:
- Company name
- Company address
- Passport number
- Date of birth